At AllofE, we provide health science education programs with the most advanced and comprehensive platform. With customizable products, such as eduCATE, eMedley is able to adapt and find any programs’ needs. After 20 years of research and development, our platform is cutting edge and intuitive, exactly what health science education programs are looking for.
We are a resourceful and efficient group made up of engineers, scientists, designers and analysts. We strive to make better online products to solve complex business problems in the education and corporate sectors. We wear multiple hats and rely on few support personnel as a company.
At AllofE, we love writing code, solving complex problems, and working on products such as examN+. We are extremely dedicated to our client relationships and believe in building beneficial partnerships. We like when clients ask questions and challenge us with new innovations. We are passionate about what we do, and are always looking to create better web-based solutions for those in need. We are our own biggest critics as we are never satisfied with our first draft. We continually refine and improve our products until they are great.